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January 29th Preschool – Necklace and Bracelets
For today’s preschool, we had six friends join us for fun, games, and crafts. We started off with some great words and songs in the English Time part of class. The kids loved to touch the colored items when asked to. They had fun singing and dancing together as well.
After English Time, we enjoyed a craft put together by Mr. Sean. We made necklaces and bracelets with yarn and beads. The kids loved to pick the colors they like and make their own bracelet or necklace.

We enjoyed some delicious pancakes and cream for snack. The kids quickly and happily chowed down on their snack. During snack time, we had a special surprise visit from someone very special who was not able to come in December. The kids were so very happy to have a visit from Santa and get a gift as well because they were all good boys and girls this year.

After our special visit from Santa, we played a game with Mr. Sean where the kids would try to find the fruit under the cup. The kids were very quick to keep track of the fruit and always knew where it was.
We had great time today and we hope to see you at the next preschool!
– Michael